Deaf Awareness Week 2024

The Royal National Institute For The deaf (RNID) is one of the key organisations behind Deaf Awareness Week 2024, which runs from 6 to 12 May. They have put together some information on the main points of deaf awareness:

British Sign Language: British Sign Language is the most common form of sign language in the UK. It was recognised as a language in its own right in 2003 and legally as an official language of Britain in 2022. More Details

Deaf awareness: 12 million adults in the UK are deaf or have hearing loss. We can all play our part to be more deaf aware, both at work and in daily life. More Info

Communicating with staff and customers who are deaf or have hearing loss: Many people don’t disclose their hearing loss at work. They worry that doing so will negatively impact their job prospects and how their colleagues and employer will see them. Making your workplace inclusive can change that. More Info

How to make your venue more accessible: If you run an in-person business, like a shop, restaurant or gym, we have some ways you can make your site accessible to people who are deaf or have hearing loss.  More Info

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