Calderdale Emotional Health and Wellbeing for Children and Young People

This update is from Calderdale Council’s Healthy minds initiative and is focused on young people:

For information, advice and signposting on emotional health and wellbeing services please go to
If you need to access Open Minds (CAMHS) during the pandemic: Offices are closed; please don’t make referrals by post, particularly if you have an urgent referral or query. If parent/ carers, young people or professionals have concerns about the emotional health of a young person, please contact the First Point of Contact on;
• telephone: 01422 300 001
• email:
• or make an online referral at

My Thrive Journey – How I got help with my mental health in Calderdale
This video has been produced by NHS Calderdale CCG on behalf of the Open Minds Partnership, to show how Thrive works in Calderdale, moving away from a tiered system of support for children and young people. Need is measured under the five categories; thriving, getting advice, getting help, getting more help and getting risk support. The video follows a young person, struggling with their gender identity and sexuality through the process of seeking advice and support. It shows the different people and services the young person encounters and how the referral and sign-posting process works. “This is my personal journey on how school and services helped me get the support I needed at the right time, which I send a special thanks too. This is not my voice as I want to keep anonymous. I hope you enjoy watching.” Calderdale young person.

The Virus and The Youth
Verd de Gris Arts were commissioned through the Local Transformation Plan (LTP) to create a short film exploring young people’s thoughts and concerns about their emotional health and wellbeing particularly during the Covid lockdown. Working with filmmaker Geoff Brokate and young people from across Calderdale, this film offers a glimpse into the lives of our young people and is a valuable resource to stimulate conversation and a greater understanding of how it feels to be young and in lockdown. “Watching this film made me feel emotional, it got quite overwhelming hearing other children and young people speak about their feelings. There is still some uncertainty on what is going to happen with these restrictions. When being filmed I felt nervous but glad to get my views across”. Calderdale young person.

Time Out, Healthy Minds Coaching sessions for school staff
Time Out are currently unable to deliver mental health workshops in schools due to Covid-19 restrictions; instead they are offering short coaching sessions to year 5 and 6 teachers/teaching assistants so that they can deliver the sessions to pupils. The sessions will be offered at the end of the teaching day at 3:45pm and the dates of these will be made available in the coming weeks. It is important that attendees are directly involved in teaching years 5 and 6 at this stage. Sessions will be followed up with support as required. If you are interested in attending one of these sessions please contact or for more information.

Create Workshop – Festive Freestyle, 21st December, 1pm – 2pm on Zoom.
Time Out is running a Christmas drawing workshop with Alex and Zeke. This will be Christmas themed and aimed at children and young people aged 10-19. For more information please contact or call 07516 030575.

Self Help Guides – Northumbria University
Northumbria University has published 19 NHS developed Self Help Guides on a range of topics; including anxiety, stress, self-harm, depression and low mood and more. These easy read guides have been developed to help people recognise symptoms, understand the condition, what the causes are, and learn better ways to cope with it. These guides are suitable to be shared with young people in the upper years of secondary school, sixth form, college and universities.