Our Aims

Our aim is to enable disabled people in Calderdale to live as independently as possible by:

a) Working in partnership with commissioners and service providers to raise awareness of issues of concern to disabled people, so that commissioners and service providers can make improvements to maximise access to mainstream and specialist services for people with physical and sensory impairments;

b) Raising the profile of disabled people in Calderdale;

c ) Developing the CIO as an independent user led organisation (ULO) of adults who are interested in working together to support change for disabled people who within the last five years, live or have lived and/or work or have worked within Calderdale.

d) Delivering services and organising and facilitating events involving disabled people, to make the long term future of the CIO more secure;

e) Holding regular meetings which look at issues in detail, where the membership works together in partnership with numerous commissioners and service providers to identify barriers faced by disabled people and improve service design and delivery so that disabled people have better access, experiences, improved wellbeing and quality of life;

f) Ensuring that disabled people are fully informed about policy changes that may affect their lives;

g) Empowering disabled people to take control of their lives and have greater confidence, choice, control and a louder voice over the way their needs are met so they can influence service improvement;

h) Ensuring that disabled people have greater access to housing, health, education, employment, leisure, and transport opportunities and can participate in family and community life.