An introduction to Scope

Scope is a leading Disability charity. Here’s their useful introductory video. Below are links to their website and a more about their vision:

What is Scope?

Scope describes its aims as “to make this country a place where disabled people have the same opportunities as everyone else. Until then, we’ll be here. We provide support, information and advice to more than a quarter of a million disabled people and their families every year. We raise awareness of the issues that matter. And with your support, we’ll keep driving change across society until this country is great for everyone.”

Scope’s Website:

Scope’s Vision:

Our purpose is to drive change across society so that disabled people have the same opportunities as everyone else.

Scope’s beliefs

  • See the person
    In our interactions with disabled people we consider all of the qualities and characteristics that go to make people distinctive and unique, not only their impairment or condition.Set no limit on potential Every disabled person has the right to live their life and work towards their goals without being limited by other people’s expectations or prejudices. We never set limits on any disabled person’s individual potential.
  • Freedom to choose
    Every disabled person should have the right to exercise choice and control over all decisions that shape their future including the products, services and support programmes they use.
  • Independence and inclusion
    All service developments designed to support disabled people should enable them to become increasingly independent and to live their lives within the community of their choice.
  • Everyday life equality
    We believe that all disabled people should have the same opportunity to education, work, building a home and social life, and access to any location or venue that other people in our society enjoy. No more. No less.
  • Together we can create a better society
    The investment required to support our beliefs will be more than repaid through the as yet untapped potential of disabled people and through our collective pride in creating a better society for all.